Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí

Homework Policy

Fatima NS
Homework Policy


This policy was formulated by the staff of Fatima N.S in the recognition of the important contribution we think homework has to make to children’s learning and their engagement with the curriculum.

Aim of the policy

This policy aims to provide a co-ordinated and graduated approach to homework, which will by its nature enrich, consolidate and enhance learning and thus aid the implementation of the revised curriculum.

The purpose of homework assignments

1.     To consolidate work done in class.
2.     To cultivate the habit of private study.
3.     To keep parents in touch with and involved in the children’s work.

General Policy

1.     The children in Junior infant class do not receive written homework until after the commencement of the spring term.
2.     Children in Senior Infant class receive reading homework and some written work according to ability and progress.
3.     From 1st class onwards a more structured form of written work is introduced and reading homework is set each day. Written work includes English, Irish, Mathematics and Environmental Studies. Learning work will also include the memorisation of poetry and tables.
4.     The content of homework is at the discretion of the individual teacher. Homework assignments in each class group will broadly follow the following guidelines;
·        Infants ~ 10mins approx. per night
·        1st and 2nd ~15-20mins
·        3rd and 4th~ 25-30mins
·        5th and 6th~30-35mins

5.     Any change of policy is decided by the entire staff with the co-operation of the parent body.
6.     Homework assignments once given are expected to be completed. Parents are asked to sign the pupil’s homework diary confirming that work is completed. Parents are asked to give a written explanation if for any reason work is not done to the satisfaction of the teacher.
7.     It is the policy of the school that homework is not given at weekends.

Roles and Responsibilities

Principal and Staff

·        The Principal and staff will have responsibility for the day-to-day organisation and correction of homework in the classroom and the creation of a school environment which is supportive of a positive attitude to homework in all pupils.
·        The Principal will provide the Board of Management with a copy of this policy for ratification.

Board of Management

·     The Board of Management will ratify the policy and circulate it to parents. On ratification of this policy, it will support the school staff so they can fully implement the policy.


·        The parents will familiarise themselves with the policy and provide encouragement to pupils and support the school staff so they can implement the policy.

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