Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí

Uniform Policy

Introductory Statement
The policy was formulated by the staff of Fatima N.S 
A policy on a uniform is an integral part of the organisational policy of the school.
Aims of the policy
·         To familiarise all the partners in education in our school of the uniform code for Fatima NS
·         To ensure that pupils and parents are aware of their respective responsibilities in this area.

General Policy
·         The basic uniform consists of a royal blue v neck jumper/cardigan, white shirt/polo neck and a plain navy trousers/skirt/tracksuit bottoms. Where a second t-shirt is worn and visible under the uniform shirt this is to be a white round-necked t-shirt only.
·         Pupils are requires to wear proper and full uniform to school on all days that the school is in operation, unless they have the prior approval of the principal to do otherwise.
·         Pupils are required to wear the proper and full uniform when involved in school-related activities off the premises unless they have prior approval of the principal to do otherwise.
·         IN the interest of equality and uniformity the wearing of ‘brand name’ tracksuit bottoms or other items which carry designer logos is not allowed.
·         Pupils are encouraged to behave and dress in age-appropriate clothes – therefore the wearing of make-up and body piercings and adult hairstyles(highlighting/dying/gelling) is not considered appropriate in our school.
·         Pupils are also discouraged from wearing expensive or excessive jewellery which may be a distraction in class or which may be lost or damaged in school. Any such items are worn at the owners risk and the school will not accept any responsibility for items lost, damaged or stolen on the premises.
·         Runners are required for P.E. and sports. In the interest of health and safety, shoes should have a sensible heel and be manageable for the wearer.
·         Pupils who wear our uniform are representing our school in the community; therefore we ask that uniforms are clean, tidy, presentable and properly worn at all times. (pupils are discouraged from wearing jumpers tied around their waist or shirt hems outside trousers.
·         Coats, caps and jackets may not be worn in the classroom.
·         Failure to comply with the uniform code will be considered a breach of discipline and will, therefore, be subject to sanction at the discretion of the class teacher or principal.

·         In the event of a pupil been unable, for reasons beyond their control, to attend in school uniform, parents are requested to inform staff in writing of the difficulty.

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