Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí

Saturday, 15 June 2013

We had an absolutely unbelievable response to our Garden Project this week in preparation for the Floral Pride judging next week. The pupils were asked to come up with colourful and imaginative planters for the garden to bring colour to areas where there was none! The prize for their endeavours was a free trip for one pupil in each class on this years school tour. We were totally amazed with the wonderful entries we received! We had a group of external adjudicators assess the entries on Friday 14th and after much deliberation they chose three winners.The entries have been placed around the garden and the place is looking quite good!!!!! Feel free if you are passing to drop in a have a stroll through our fruit garden, the sensory garden, the vegetable garden or An Portach! Keep an eye out for our mini-beasts mansion and an unusual invasion of ladybirds!

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